2011年6月26日 星期日

MPS leaders tout successes, new initiatives

MPS leaders will get an update on the system's financial state this week. WSFA 12 News was first to report that the system is running low on its financial reserves. Despite the tough economic situation, there are some bright spots for MPS.

"We are moving in the right direction," said Charlotte Meadows, School Board President. "We have made great strides this year and for the last several years. We have really been focusing on student achievement."

Speaking during the mayor's weekly news briefing, Meadows cited recent accolades won by Floyd Middle Magnet School and LAMP High school as examples of the system's commitment to excellence.

"Number 13 in the nation is not something to be taken lightly at all," Meadows said. "And certainly the students, the faculty, the administration at Lamp is to be applauded. But we have got so much good going on throughout the entire school system."

Superintendent Barbara Thompson also cited progress with the high school graduation rate.

"Four years ago, the graduation rate was 76 percent," Thompson said. "The next year 77 percent. Last year it was 85 percent. This year it is 89 percent on the same measurement."

And she says the system is launching a renewed effort to focus on its middle schools.

"Because our data shows us that our kids really start to drop off around middle school," Thompson said. "That's when those grades start to drop and everything changes, but we're still trying to capture that energy that we think is so important."

For the first time MPS will host a middle school fair on July 9th at Alabama State University. there parents will get the opportunity to learn more about the curriculum and other aspects of the middle schools.

